Major updates to our website.

Good news! We have refreshed our website with new features :

Au savon de Marseille, the name of our business is now showing on the banner instead of previously

Total of soaps and amount before sale taxes is now showing on every pages so there is  need anymore to click on "Your cart" in order to see those useful informations.

A direct link allows to subscribe to our newsletter.

The Manufacturing section of our website has now 2 other pages : pictures and videos taken in our soap factories. Please note that the video section will direct you to the french side of the website since we could not find english versions of them, we did not feel it would have been useful to upload twice the same videos.

Other changes that we would like you to discovers :)

And as usual, all comments are welcome, good of bad, we take them all !

Thank you and have a great week end !

Au savon de Marseille


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